Friday, June 15, 2007

U.S. Still Doesn't Provide Rights for Women? Naaah, couldn't be!

Can you remember the “reasons to quash the ERA” that were put forth during consideration of the Amendment thirty years ago? Here are just a few!

“The ERA will force women to serve in the army.” (The word “force” has been replaced by “allow” — much to the appreciation of many of the women who now proudly serve in all branches of the armed forces.)

“The ERA will make all bathrooms unisex.” (As if the bathroom in your home isn’t already unisex!)

“The ERA will allow women to use abortion as birth control.” (Your daughter has just been raped and may be pregnant. Your sister just discovered she is pregnant, two months after her husband was sent to prison for beating her. Your wife is approaching menopause and finds herself “with child.” Thank your lucky stars that abortion is still — mostly — legal in this country.)

“The ERA is a communist move to take over the government.” (No comment!)

Wouldn’t we be embarrassed if the U.S. elected a woman as President without an Equal Rights Amendment in its Constitution?

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